Arpenteurs de l'Ailleurs - Curated by Claire Leblanc


12/09/2024 - 07/11/2024

After the summer escapes, the new exhibition is an invitation to keep on wandering. Aesthetically and introspectively... Four artists with different sensibilities, expressions and backgrounds have developed a unique relationship with landscape and nature. Veronica de Giovanelli strides through the steep, rocky paths of the Alps, finding in them the mineral matter source of her pictorial work, which deals especially with the issue of the ‘memory’ of places and their fragility. Remy Hans uses his pencil to stride across our everyday lives, imbuing them with an exquisite poetic power. Julie Legrand strides through labyrinthine imaginary worlds, from which emerge three-dimensional crystallizations with magical potential. As for Stefan Peters, meanwhile, he strides across possibilities and limits of pictoriality to produce imaginary landscapes. So many delightful and rejuvenating paths for the eye and the mind.
Text by Claire Leblanc

Peters Stefan Hans Rémy Legrand Julie de Giovanelli Veronica

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