de Giovanelli Veronica

de Giovanelli Veronica

  • Born in Trento (IT) in 1989, lives and works in Brussels

Veronica de Giovanelli's artistic research revolves around her fascination with landscape and the relationships and processes that determine, modify and destroy it. Through a pictorial practice based on superimpositions, she creates images from which emerge a sense of wonder combined with an ethical tension that is subtly critical of the environmental and cultural degradation of the landscape.
De Giovanelli sees the landscape as a stratification of time, of events, histories, displacements and memories that are perpetually superimposed and cancelled out. The landscape is like a palimpsest, an ancient manuscript: it is written, erased and written again. This idea of the layering of landscape is reflected in the way she creates her work.
In painting, his work is constructed by superimposing several layers of more or less liquid paint, which dry and are covered again. In general, the transparency of the different materials she uses makes it particularly easy to see what is hidden beneath the surface, revealing the process of making the painting or collage. Her work is the result of attempts, of questioning and deletion, of slowness and informal action at the same time.
In recent years, de Giovanelli has explored the processes that modify mineral landscapes, such as sedimentation, erosion and solidification, and plays on the ambiguity between changing scales, evoking multiple landscapes where the distinction between the micro and the macrocosm is blurred.


2019 Master en peinture, ENSAV La Cambre, Bruxelles
2014 MA Fine Arts Research and Development, (Erasmus+) Middlesex University, Londres
2015 Master en peinture, Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia, Venise
2012 Bachelier en arts visuels, Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia, Venise
2024 Du monde minéral - Boccanera Gallery, Milan
2021 Ex Post2 - commissionnée par G. Lorenzoni, Galleria Civica di Trento (Mart Museum), Trento
2021 Andvake - Boccanera Gallery, Trento
2020 Le fil des jours pour unique voyage (pt.1) – Foundation Moonens, Bruxelles
2021 Paesaggio urbano - commissionnée par C. Corbetta, Il Crepaccio IG show
2017 Enrosadira - commissionnée par G. Lucchi, Boccanera Project room, Trento
2015 If a clod be washed away by the sea - commissionnée par D. Capra, Spazio Thetis, Venise
GROUPSHOWS (Selection)
2025 The sky above the Lys river - commissionnée par Bart Vandevijvere, Courtrai (À Venir)
2024 Arpenteurs d’ailleurs - commissionnée par Claire Leblanc, Belgian Gallery, Bruxelles
2024 Terre à comprendre – intervention site-specifique, Maison de la Science, Liège
2024 Les 10 ans de la Fondation Moonens, Fondation Moonens, Bruxelles
2023 La storia non si ripete ma fa rima - Studio La Città, Verone
2023 Venice Time Case VI - Galleria Antonio Verolino, Modena
2023 Doline. Après chaque pluie - commissionnée par J. Renaudot, Polyclinique, Bruxelles
2023 Venice Time Case V -commissionnée par di L. M. Barbero, Monitor, Rome
2022 Who killed bambi? - Dolomiti contemporanee, Casso, (PN), Italie
2022 Venice Time Case II -commissionnée par L. M. Barbero, Galerie italienne, Paris
2021 One clover and a bee. And revery - Moonens Foundation, Bruxelles
2021 Venice Time Case I - commissionnée par L. M. Barbero, Galleria Tommaso Calabro, Milan
2021 Les souliers rouges - commissionnée par L. Valentiny, Moonens Foundation, Bruxelles
2020 Artissima - Boccanera Gallery booth, Main section, Turin
2019 All in one - commissionnée par L. Meotti Kanal-Centre Pompidou, Bruxelles
2019 Etna & Paricutìn - Fabrica de S. Pedro, Urupan, MX
2018 Reazione a catena #2 - a cura di G. Pisapia, Galleria Giovanni Bonelli, Milan
2018 Vicino. Non qui - Galleria Civica di Trento (MART Museum), Trento
2018 Il gemello cattivo - Museo Santa Maria della Scala di Siena, Siena
2018 L'ombre du zèbre n'a pas des rayures - Espace Vanderborght, Bruxelles
2019 Artists print VIII - BRASS Centre Culturel de Forest, Bruxelles
2017 La costruzione di un errore - Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi, Venise
2017 Visitors that come and go - Tulla Culture Center, Tirana
2017 Collezione Malutta – commissionnée par Fondazione Malutta, Monitor, Rome
2016 Fondazione Malutta meets the Albanian Pavillon – projet partie du Pavillon Albanie “I have left you the
mountain”, 15th Biennale d’architecture de Venise, Arsenale, Venise
2016 X=Explorations –commissionnée par xrivista, L’amour, Paris
2015 Rob Pruitt's Flea Market - commissionnée par T. Speretta, A plus A Gallery, Venise
2015 The Intruders - commissionnée par F. Bianconi e D. Capra, Venise
2014 Nessun luogo é lontano - commissionnée par E. Delfini, Ex macello, Padoua, IT
2014 I Borsisti della 97ma Collettiva - Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venise
2014 The nest-builders of the sea - commissionnée par E. Suoyrjo, ArtLacuna, Londres
2013 97ma Collettiva Giovani Artisti – Fondazione Bevilacqua la Masa, Venise
2013 Da Venezia a porta Venezia - commissionnée par C. Corbetta,Il Crepaccio, Milan
2020 Prix Emma du Cayla-Martin - lauréate, Académie Royale de Belgique, Bruxelles
2019 Prix Laurent Moonens - lauréate, Moonens Foundation, Bruxelles
2015 Celeste Prize - lauréate, premier prix peinture/dessin, Milan
2015 Combat Prize - (short-listée) Museo Civico Giovanni Fattori, Livorno, IT
2015 Frase got talent - lauréate, troisième prix, FRASE Contemporary Art
2014 Premio Francesco Fabbri per le Arti Contemporanee – (short-listée), Pieve di Soligo, IT
2014 Collyer Bristow student award & exhibition - (short-listée), Collyer B. Gallery, Londres
2013 97ma Collettiva Giovani Artisti - lauréate, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venise
2024 RAVI (Résidences-Ateliers Vivegnis International) - Liége
2022 Fondation Boghossian - Villa Empain, Bruxelles
2021 NDK Nordic Artists’ Centre Dale - Dale i Sunnfijord, Norvége
2019/2020 Fondation Moonens - Fondation Moonens, Bruxelles
2015 Dolomiti Contemporanee - Nuovo Spazio di Casso, (PN), Italie
2012-2015 Laboratorio aperto - workshop a cura di C. Di Raco, Forte Marghera, Venise
2012 Tim Rollins workshop - commissionné par Tim Rollins, Galleria Civica di Trento, Trento
2023 VEZ in arte - talk organisé par S. Coletto, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venise
2022 Que ferions-nous si nous étions italiens ? - conferencière, ENSAV La Cambre, Bruxelles
2020 Talks con artisti contemporanei- conferencière, Liceo artistico G. De Fabris, Nove (VI)
2019 Incontro con l’artista - conferencière, Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze, Florence
2019 Studio Hans Op De Beeck - assistante d’atelier, Bruxelles
2019 Paysage à gogo - workshop d’artiste, Académie des Beaux Arts de Bruxelles, Bruxelles

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